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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Blender Cycles: How To Mimic A Game Engine

In the past week, I was working on a really nice game asset, and for the first time making my bump maps by hand. To preview my model, I was using p3d, since I couldn't find a good way to view my model in Blender Cycles as if it was in the game. Once I realized that I couldn't use my fresnel map on p3d without upgrading my account, I sought out advice on creating a node setup for Blender.

So not to bore you with various details, I'm simply going to link the node setup. At this time, I'm still very weak when it comes to the Blender Cycles render engine. Materials, and lighting are the one thing I still need to buckle down at learn. With that said, this is probably not the best setup, but it works out great. The portion that covers the Diffuse, Normal, and Specular maps are in fact verified from other Blender users as "the way to do it". The fresnel section I added myself, but does in fact mimic the facing effect it calls for.

So without further ado, here is how to view your assets in Blender, as if you were looking at them in a game engine like Unity, or UE4.

If I find a better way to accomplish this, I will make sure to update this node setup. 


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